Where to donate blood or plasma
The next blood donation sessions can be found by visiting Give Blood
To make an appointment please call: 0300 123 23 23
Stem Cell Donation
Saving the lives of people with blood cancer,
Anthony Nolan is the charity that makes lifesaving connections between patients in need and incredible strangers ready to donate their stem cells.
British Bone Marrow Registry
The British Bone Marrow Registry (BBMR) helps people find stem cell matches. We are part of NHS Blood and Transplant and recruit potential donors from our dedicated blood donors.
We work in co-operation with the UK’s other bone marrow and blood donor registries, the charity Anthony Nolan and the NHS Cord Blood Bank. We are also part of an international network that helps find matches for people across the world.
Register a decision to donate
Organ donation is when you decide to give an organ to save or transform the life of someone else.