Threemilestone branch telephone number

After our recent upgrade in our telephone system, our direct Threemilestone telephone number (01872 243723) is no longer in use. Please continue to use our main number of 01872 243700 and press option 3 to speak with our Threemilestone reception staff. Many thanks

Need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request? 

Self Referral

Most referrals to other specialists will require you seeing or speaking with a GP. However, there are a number of local services, listed below, that you are able to make self referrals to.

Back and Neck Pain Service

We have a team of five highly experienced physiotherapists who are supported by two physiotherapy assistants and a clerical/administration support worker.


Togetherall is an online service that offers support to people experiencing mental health issues. The service is anonymous, available 24 hours a day, is supported by registered therapists and doctors and is free for anyone in Cornwall aged 16 or above.

NHS Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Talking Therapies

The NHS Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Talking Therapies service provides free, confidential talking therapies for people who are registered with a GP in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, aged 16 years and over, experiencing common difficulties including: Low mood, Stress, Anxiety and Worry.
01208 871905

We Are With You – Truro

Phone us or use our online chat to speak to one of our trained experts. We’re here to help you - you can tell us as little or as much as you want. We’ll work with you to help you manage, reduce or stop your drug (including prescription drugs) or alcohol use. This service is for you if: - you’re over 18 - living in Cornwall - you’re worried about either your drug or alcohol use, or someone else’s.
01872 263001


Working in partnership with the NHS, we provide STI testing, diagnosis and treatment, oral contraception, the morning after pill and specialist remote clinical support.

Brook Sexual Health Service

We offer a wide range of confidential services including STI testing, treatment, contraception (including long-acting and emergency), pregnancy testing, and specialist young people’s services. We also offer postal STI testing and treatment through our digital partner, SH:24.
0300 3030714

Cornwall Carers Service

A Carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability or condition that affects their mental or physical well-being and cannot manage without their support.
01736 756655

Help to stay living at home

People may need care at home if they are; getting older, have a medical condition, recovering from a surgery,or have a disability.

Maternity Services

Antenatal care is the care you get from health professionals during your pregnancy. It’s sometimes called pregnancy care, maternity care, or prenatal care.
07557 172389


The CHAOS Group is a Third Sector B Corp certified organisation based in Mid Cornwall, who specialise and deliver Health and Social Care and a range of focused community services and meaningful activities, to help individuals and families to make positive changes in their lives.

Cornwall Hospice Care

Cornwall Hospice care is a 24/7 UK health charity that provides compassionate, specialised end of life care for patients, their families and carers.

Disability Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

We are a values based, user-led charitable company with a mission to represent, include, support and empower people living with a long term health condition or disability, their families and carers in Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly. We also support community organisations and businesses to develop more inclusive approaches to meeting the needs of their clients and customers.

Papyrus – Prevention of Young Suicide

PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people. We believe that no young person should have to struggle alone with thoughts of suicide.
0800 068 4141


Self-referral web-based support for sleep problems.

NHS stop smoking services help you quit – Quit smoking

Local stop smoking services are free, friendly and can massively boost your chances of quitting for good.
0300 123 1044

NUPAS (national unplanned pregnancy advisory service)

We offer abortion treatments and free pregnancy testing, sexually transmitted infection screening and a fully comprehensive contraceptive service.
0333 004 6666

Marie Stopes UK

You don’t need a GP referral to access NHS funded abortion care.We've been helping people with their reproductive health options for over 40 years. We provide NHS-funded and self-funded abortion and vasectomy care through our network of local clinics all over England. You can give us a call whenever you need us. Our advice line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
0345 300 8090

Find a psychological therapies service in England

You can refer yourself directly to a psychological therapies service (IAPT) without seeing your GP.These services offer therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), for common problems including: stress, anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and phobias

NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme

The Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) identifies those at diabetes high risk and refers them onto a behaviour change programme.