If you have been asked to send a clinical photo or a document please use the upload form below. It is very simple to use.
Non-urgent advice: Upload photos or documents
This will then be sent to our secure NHS mailbox and any photos or documents added to you clinical record. Please do not upload documents or images unless you have spoken to our team first.
Your GP may ask you to send photographs to assist with diagnosis. As such these images will then become part of your medical record and will be treated with the same standards of Confidentiality as any other part of your medical record. The image(s) will be reviewed by the requesting doctor, but may be shared with other members of the practice team if appropriate, or forwarded to other health care professionals for advice. Any member of the practice team who may have access to such images is duty bound by strict Confidentiality standards. All medical records are held on a secure practice server. Please notify the GP if you have any concerns about this. We will normally contact you within the next 24 to 48 hours, once your information has been reviewed.
10 step guide for taking the most helpful photos for our clinicians
- Use best quality phone (or digital) camera you have – the higher the megapixels the better
- When taking photos take several then edit.
- Make sure skin area is well lit.
- Try to always orientate the photos such that person’s head at top of image.
- Take a photo from a distance so that the lesion or rash has context (e.g. the whole of person’s back) then a mid-close up with an anatomical marker (e.g. navel).
- For close-up photos of lesion (e.g. a mole) try to take from 20cm away from skin- take two images from different angles keeping the lesion in centre of image.
- Place a ruler or tape next to lesion (if possible) so we have a sense of its size.
- If possible, place a solid neutral colour (e.g. a towel) in background.
- Disregard any poor images (e.g. out of focus), send only the best ones.
- You can send as JPEG or whatever format your phone/camera uses.