Threemilestone branch telephone number

After our recent upgrade in our telephone system, our direct Threemilestone telephone number (01872 243723) is no longer in use. Please continue to use our main number of 01872 243700 and press option 3 to speak with our Threemilestone reception staff. Many thanks

Need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request? 

Teenage Friendly

Aged 13 -to 19?

If you have any websites or groups that you have found useful please let us know. We can check them out and add them to our website for others to use also. Please send your information to the website administrator [email protected]

If you would like a specific information leaflet please send a request via the above email. We can either send this information to you in the post, by email or we can leave it in a sealed envelope at the surgery reception (Truro or Threemilestone) for you to collect. Leaflets are available to collect from the Surgery at Truro Health Park.  An information request form is also available for you to complete if you are unable to find what you are looking for, this form can be located on the 1st floor waiting room to the left of the stairs.

If you would prefer to discuss your issues with someone please telephone the surgery and make an appointment to see your Doctor. If you would prefer to see a lady Doctor please mention this at the time of booking your appointment. We’ll always to try and accommodate you.


he Lander Medical Practice is registered with the C-Card  free condom scheme as a distribution centre.

Savvy Kernow

If you need help and advice about health, wellbeing or everyday life (trust me, sometimes we all do) get savvy! 

Savvy Kernow keeps you in the know about Young Person Friendly Services in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Chlamydia Services

Should you wish to discuss any problems or would like to have a chlamydia test please make an appointment with your GP or Practice Nurse. 

Drugs and Drug Use

For information regarding the different types of drugs or if you are worried about a friend who you think may have drug problems please follow the links below.


For all your questions and queries please click on the link below and you will be directed the the NHS UK.

Information for Children Linked to and Experiencing Abusive Relationships

Clear is a registered charity offering a unique child centered therapeutic service based in Cornwall that can work with Children & Young People (CYP) between the ages of 3-18 years who have been traumatised by either a direct experience or witnessing sexual, psychological or emotionally abusive relationships.


We provide a confidential service to everyone, including under 16’s. This means that you can tell others about your visit, but we will not. The only reason why we might have to consider passing on your confidential information, would be to protect you or someone else from serious harm. We would ALWAYS try to discuss this with you first. We adopt the policy ‘here to listen, not to tell’.