Safeguarding Children
The Safeguarding Leads for the Practice are Dr Peter Boyle, Caroline Moyses and Practice Manager Lisa Mason.
Keeping children safe online
Thinkuknow is an award-winning on and offline safety programme from children and young people, professionals and parents that has been developed by the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command.
Underwear Rule for children – NSPCC
Safeguarding Adults
The Safeguarding Lead for the Practice is Dr Peter Boyle.
Everyone has the right to live their life free from violence, fear and abuse, but not everyone can protect themselves. If you’re an adult experiencing abuse or neglect, or if you’re concerned about an adult possibly experiencing abuse or neglect.
The Herbert Protocol
The Herbert Protocol is an initiative being led by Devon and Cornwall Police. It is named after George Herbert, a war veteran of the Normandy landings who lived with dementia.
It is a simple risk reduction tool to be used in the event of an adult with care and support needs goes missing. A family member, friend or neighbour with permission from the family can complete a form and include a recent photograph of the adult and should the vulnerable adult go missing, the form is sent to the Police.